Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Breaking News: Bill Cosby Charged with Sexual Assault

Bill Cosby
UPDATE: Bill Cosby has been arraigned in court for his sexual assault charges in the Andrea Constand 2004 case. The Iconic Comedian reportedly plead not guilty to the charges, and was given a $1 Billion bail. He posted bail, and is currently free until his court date, according to USA Today. His court date is set for Jan. 14th and cannot leave the country until then. He could face up to 10 years in prison if found guilty.

Bill Cosby has been arrested over a sexual assault claim over 10 years ago to Andrea Constand  @ his home in Philadelphia. Bill Cosby will be charged for aggravated indecent assault, a first degree felony, over a sexual assault accusation stemming from 2004.

The case was originally dismissed, but since new evidence came to light in July 2015 the case was reopened. The statute of limitation for aggravated indecent assault is twelve years from the incident.

According to the evidence, Cosby had established a relationship with Constand and invited her to his Philadelphia home, but when he made sexual advances toward her, she refused.  He then urged her to drink wine and take three blue pills after which she lost total mobility, and he took advantage of her.
The paperwork that was unsealed also details Cosby's 2005 deposition, including the moment when he was asked by the Constand's attorney, "When you got the Quaaludes, was it in your mind that you were going to use these Quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?"
Cosby replied, "Yes." The 77-year-old also testified that he gave Constand three half-pills of Benadryl, all of which he claimed to have given her with her consent.

Not only will this case bring justice for Constand, but for the dozens  of women who came forward and were allegedly abused by Bill Cosby.

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